On December 8th we organised our third annual advisory board meeting. The meeting took place in Tallinn University, in Eduspace and via Zoom. The following Advisory Board members took part: Isa Jahnke, Jarmo Viteli, Solvi Lillejord, Eve Eisenschmidt. In addition to short presentations of our activities and events carried out in 2022, the focus of the meeting was also to discuss the following points:

The discussion with the Advisory Board started with reflecting on lessons learned during the project and the main takeaways for the future. In general, despite the sudden lockdown because of COVID19 for almost two years, the SEIS team agreed that the objectives have been achieved, however, the weakest part of the project was the lack of opportunities to initiate new joint empirical research studies. On the other hand, the team also acknowledged that because of the COVID19 the SEIS project was a unique one.
Actually there was so much that was good about the COVID19 period and its impact on education and this should be kept and developed further. This is where researchers in the field of educational sciences and innovation can step in and provide evidence-based recommendations and support to educational systems. In addition to learning science experts there is also a need for people who have technical ability to analyse systems we use because datafication, platformization and learning analytics are the main keywords in the future in the educational research and innovation field. There is also a new concept arising – entangled pedagogy.
One of the Advisory Board members also reflected on her work in the light of the SEIS project and she thinks that the professional development of a researcher and the key competences are changing, and this is also true with early-stage researchers.
Finally, it was a great pleasure to hear positive feedback, but also some hints and suggestions for the future. One of the Advisory Board members said that “I am really impressed, I scrolled through the material you sent earlier and now listening to your reflections and explanations, you have done an excellent work”.
Detailed information about the Advisory Board meeting and the discussion is described in D6.3 Third annual advisory board meeting.