On June 20-22, Tallinn University together with EDEN and the SEIS team hosted a 31st Annual Conference of EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network) titled Shaping the digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe. The conference was organised as a hybrid event providing an opportunity to participate from all over the world. Virtual part of the conference was mediated through Worksup.com environment.

7 keynote speakers were invited: Nicole Johnson, Karl Vilhelm Valter, Lesley Gourlay, Kyungmee Lee, Mart Laanpere, Riina Vuorikari.
Terje Väljataga from Tallinn University represented a SEIS team as a programme chair of EDEN2022 conference. Furthermore, Merike Saar and Linda Helene Sillat, PhD students from Tallinn University introduced the research done in relation to the SEIS project. Merike talked about Teachers’ technology use, decision-making process and concerns in data-informed teacher inquiries and Linda Helene presented her research on Developing the Evidence-Informed Digital Competence Assessment Instrument and Platform for Educators. It must be noted here that the best paper award was given to Merike.

The selection of best papers will be published in A Springer Nature Computer Science book series.