
Chejara, P., Prieto, L.P., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Ruiz-Calleja, A., Khalil, M. (2023). Impact of window size on the generalizability of collaboration quality estimation models developed using Multimodal Learning Analytics. In 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2023 (Accepted).

Chejara, P., Prieto, L.P., Ruiz-Calleja, A., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Kant Shankar, S., Kasepalu, R., Chounta, I-A. (draft). Classifying Collaboration Quality Dimensions using Multimodal Learning Analytics. Planned to submit in British Journal of Education Technology, BJET (draft mode).

Kasepalu R, Chejara P, Prieto LP, Ley T (2023). Studying Teacher Withitness in the Wild: Comparing a Mirroring and a Mirroring & Guiding Dashboard for Collaborative Learning. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Laanpere, M., Sillat, L. H., Požogina, K., Luik, P., & Lehiste, P. (2023). (accepted) National Policies and Services for Digital Competence Advancement in Estonia. World Conference of Computers in Education Proceedings.

Ley, T.; Tammets, K.; Pishtari, G.; Chejara, Kasepalu, R; Khalil, M; Saar; M;, Tuvi, I; Väljataga, T.;, Wasson, B (submitted). Towards a Partnership of Teachers and Intelligent Learning Technology: A Systematic Literature Review of Model-based Learning Analytics (manuscript submitted to Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, submission number JCAL-22-466). ECTEL2021, submitted.

Mettis, K., Väljataga, T. & Uus, Õ. (2022). Mobile Outdoor Learning Effect on Students’ Conceptual Change and Transformative Experience. Technology Knowledge and Learning.

Mettis, K., & Väljataga, T. (2022). Investigating Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Socio-Environmental Problem and Attitudes Towards Mobile Outdoor Learning. Proceedings of mLearn 2022 Conference (accepted).

Morel, M.; Terasmaa, J.; Jesmin, T. (2022). Is a Board Game Suitable for Teaching Complex Natural Systems? Yes. European Conference on Games Based Learning. Academic Conferences International Limited. DOI: 10.34190/ecgbl.16.1.511.

Pishtari, G., Ley, T., Khalil, M., Kasepalu, R. and Tuvi, I. (submitted). Model-Based Learning Analytics Transparent to Teachers: A Bibliometric Systematic Review. (manuscript submitted to The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2023).

Saar, M., & Laanpere, M. (2022). Teachers’ Technology Use, Decision-Making Process and Concerns in Data-Informed Teacher Inquiries. In Annual Conference of European Distance and E-Learning Network (pp. 98-114). Springer, Cham.

Saar, M, (accepted). Teachers’ Motivation and Skills for Technology Use in Teacher Inquiries (in print). Empirical studies in psychology conference proceedings. The 28th Empirical studies in psychology; March 31 – April 3; Belgrade.

Samuelsen, J., Chen, W., & Wasson, B. (submitted). Implementing enriched contextual descriptions for efficient scaling of Learning Analytics.

Samuelsen, J. (forthcoming December 2022). Learning Analytics Scalability: Assessing the current state and moving toward better expressibility. PhD dissertation. University of Bergen.

Sillat, L. H., Tammets, K., & Laanpere, M. (2023). Understanding the Stakeholder Perspectives on Assessing Educators’ Digital Competence. World Conference of Computers in Education Proceedings.

Sillat, L.H., Tammets, K., Laanpere, M., & Chejara, P. (2022). Developing the Evidence-Informed Digital Competence Assessment Instrument and Platform for Educators. Shaping the Digital Transformation of the Education Ecosystem in Europe: 31st EDEN Annual Conference 2022 Tallinn, Estonia, June 20–22, 2022. Springer, 117−126.

Tuvi, I., Kotiläinen, S., Okkonen, J., & Spurava, G. (2020). Children centered living lab approach development in education. In S. Kinnula, M., Iivari, N., Sharma, S., Okkonen, J. & Kotilainen (Ed.), Special Issue on Designing the future of technology with and for children. INTERACT (Vol. 4, pp. 22–27). University ofOulu.

Tuvi, I.; Okkonen, J.; Slokvik Hansen. C. J.; Ley, T. T.; Michael, V.; Ness, I.; Tammets, K.; Väljataga, T.; Wasson, B. (2021). The EdTech Observatory project: Co-creating and evidencing digital transformation in schools. Media and Education Conference, September 28-Oct 1, 2021.

Tuvi, I., Okkonen, J. (2021). Data in Educational Living Labs. In: Rocha, Á., Ferrás, C., López-López, P.C., Guarda, T. (eds) Information Technology and Systems. ICITS 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1331. Springer, Cham.

Uus, Õ., Mettis, K., Väljataga, T. & Ley, T. (2021). Differences in Self-Directed Learning: Middle-School Students’ Autonomous Outdoor Studying. Frontiers in Education, 6. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.718295.

Uus, Õ., Mettis, K., & Väljataga, T. (2022). Cognitive Skills in Adolescents’ Self- Directed Learning Efficacy. Creative Education, 13, 583-598.

Uus, Õ., Mettis, K. & Väljataga, T. (2022). Self-directed learning: A case-study of school students scientific knowledge construction outdoors. Cogent Education, 9:1, 2074342, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2022.2074342

Väljataga, T., & Laanpere, M. (2022). Shaping the Digital Transformation of the Education Ecosystem in Europe. 31st EDEN Annual Conference Proceedings.